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Painting with my son

February 28, 2023

When we were cleaning out my office space of all the yet to be unpacked boxes from our move a year ago, I found additional acrylic paints and set them to the side. My son saw them and asked what they were and I told him that they were for daddy's paintings.

He asked if he could paint so yesterday I decided to try painting with him. Luckily I had some non toxic acrylics. So while he was away at school I spent half an hour gather the materials, taping down paper on the dining table for the inevitable paint mess, set up two easels, and pulled out tiny 3x3 in canvases that were stored away.

Once he had his snack after school it was time to paint...

He demolished the paint, wanted to paint on the easel more than the canvases, and went through 4 mini canvases in a matter of 10 minutes before deciding he was done and absolutely needed to wash his hands immediately.

Took me another 10-15 minutes or so to get everything cleaned up. 45 min of setup/cleanup for 10 minutes of paint chaos. lol! But I'm glad I did it and hope we can do it more in the future...but with less chaos.

All thats left to do is figure out where I can hang up his masterpieces.