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The Gentlemen's Handshake Breakdown

You are only as good as your word.

We’ve lost something. Something that rings deep in our hearts. It could be authenticity or perhaps we’ve just abandoned connection.

Maybe it’s just an LA thing, but the infamous “let’s grab dinner sometime” line that gets thrown around. (I’m actually guilty of this more often than I’d like to admit.)

There is intention in the phrase to meet up, but it’s by and large an empty promise. A yes is no longer a yes, it’s easier to flake and go about our business. 🤷🏻‍♂️

We’re fast and loose with our promises.

Broken agreements.

That was my inspiration for this piece, titled, "The Gentlemen's Handshake."

Despite the vows they’ve made, it becomes evident that betrayal and collusion are brewing in plain sight, guised as a harmonious agreement sealed with a gentlemen's handshake.

Much more dramatic than a missed meal, I know.

Three brothers who have made an agreement are now wavering on their promise to one another.

Sidebar — did you catch the dragonball? So if you don’t know what a dragon ball is, it’s an object from the manga by Akira Toriyama where when you collect all 7 dragon balls that have been scattered across the world you are granted one wish.

I love including references like this into my work whenever I can so be sure to look out for any pop culture references in future artworks.

Ok back on topic, the trio had originally made lofty plans to seek out dragon balls and share the wish between each other. However tensions have begun to rise now that they have actually found one. They are in the midst of entering into an official agreement but with much hesitation from the figure on the right.

You might also notice that the two on the right are shrouded in shadows of secrecy coming up with some sort of agreement on their own excluding the third.

I’ve also created a not so apparent connection between the left and middle brothers as they both are wearing articles of clothing that match. The skull bucket hat and the rib cage coat. Are they in cahoots with one another? The intent here is to start making you question whether the middle figure is lying to the one on the right as he whispers into his ear.

Lastly, the leftmost figure has decided to guard himself from harm with steel breastplate armor. He already knows a fight will ensue as he prepares to betray the other two with a hidden blade behind his back — quietly waiting for right the moment to strike.

I wonder…Have you found yourself in a similar situation before? Maybe not so dramatic and life threatening, but why? What caused it?

Thanks for joining me here today!

See you on the next one!